Inference Engine Set up Guide

Inference Engine installation guide

Within the dashboard, this guide will walk you through the steps to set up an edge device running Chooch models for CPU, NVDIA GPU, and Jetson Orin. The guide will explain how to install the Chooch Inference Engine on your device. It will also outline how to use the AI Vision Studio to create a device, add camera streams, and add AI models to the device.

You must have a Chooch Enterprise Account to install the Inference Engine. If you do not have one, please contact [email protected] to request one.

Hardware requirements

GPU (8.1.0)

Compatible Graphics Cards T4, V100, L40, L40S, L4, A2, A10, A30, A100, H100, RTX Ampere (Ax000/RTX30x0/RTX40x0)
Compatible Operating Systems Ubuntu ≥ 22.04 (20.04 upon request)
GCC GCC 9.4.0
CUDA Release ≥ 12.2
CuDNN Release
TRT Release
Display Driver ≥ 535.183.01
Compatible Processors 8th to 13th generation Intel® Core™ > i7 (suggested i9)

3rd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors

Memory 32GB RAM minimum
Disk 256GB SSD Drive

CPU (8.0.0)

Compatible Processors 8th to 13th generation Intel® Core™ > i7 (suggested i9)

3rd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors

Compatible Operating Systems Ubuntu* 18.04.3 LTS and above (64 bit)
Memory Min 32GB RAM
Disk 256GB SSD Drive

Jetson Orin (8.0.0)

Compatible Processors Jetson AGX Orin 64GB
Jetson AGX Orin 32 GB
Compatible Operating Systems Jetpack 5.1.2
Memory Min 32GB RAM

Installation guide

Many of the following command lines will require your system’s root or super user password. An Internet connection is needed to perform many of the following steps.

GPU (8.1.0) setup guide

Installation requirements for Ubuntu server for GPU

If Ubuntu has not been installed, please use the following link: If Ubuntu has been previously installed, please continue below.

Enter the following script to your terminal and follow the instructions.

This installation time may take approximately 60 minutes or more, based on your network upload speed.

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#default GPU install (see below for other optional arguments)
#NOTE: API key MUST go after -k argument. Other optional argument appends to the end.

bash -c "$(curl" -s -k api_key

#NOTE: This command installs the necessary driver version and Nvidia Docker, deletes the oldest inference engine, and installs a new Chooch Inference Engine.

Optional arguments

API Key provided by Chooch can be found at the bottom of your Chooch AI Vision Studio Homepage.

CPU (8.0.0) setup guide

Installation requirements for Ubuntu Server for CPU

Please follow the docker installation instructions:

Enter the following script to your terminal and follow the instructions:

This installation time may take approximately 60 minutes or more, based on your network upload speed.

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#default CPU install (see below for other optional arguments)
#NOTE: api key MUST go after -k argument. Other optional argument append to the end

bash -c "$(curl" -s -k api_key

Optional arguments

-d <install_dir>
install directory (defaults to $HOME if not specified)

API Key provided by Chooch can be found at the bottom of your dashboard’s Homepage.

Jetson Orin (8.0.0) setup guide

Chooch supports the NVIDIA JetPack SDK. JetPack installation is managed by NVIDIA SDK Manager. You will need to create a free NVIDIA account or use an existing one.

Please follow the NVIDIA SDK Manager installation instructions that explain how to install Jetpack OS 5.1.2, using a host device (host device requirements below).

Required Host Operating System Ubuntu ≥ 22.04 (20.04 upon request)
Compatible Jetpack Version Jetpack 5.1.2
Required Host Hardware RAM 8GB
Internet Connection

All CUDA libraries will be included in Jetpack. If you are seeing errors about missing CUDA drivers, please reboot to confirm proper installation and setup.

Jetson Orin installation instructions

If you are accessing the Jetson Orin device locally, login into http://localhost:3000 and follow the instructions below. If accessing Jetson Orin remotely, login from the Jetson’s public IP address at port 3000 to access the Chooch Inference Engine.

  1. On Host Device:
    • Connect the hardware directly to the host device with SDK Manager installed. (This will vary from device to device, but normally a USB cord is provided)
    • Launch NVIDIA SDK Manager, make the following selections:
      • Select the connected device
      • Select JetPack 5.1.2
      • Follow the on-screen prompts until the device begins to install the required configurations.
  2. Once the JetPack 5.1.2 is installed, navigate to the Jetson-Orin Edge Hardware:
    • Open CLI Terminal.
    • Run the following command.
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# Replace API_KEY with your API Key generated from dashboard.

bash -c "$(curl" -k API_KEY

Inference Engine setup instructions

  1. Log in to your Chooch AI Vision Studio account.
  2. Create a deviceDevice & Deves Types AI Vision Studio
  3. Add a stream to your deviceCnooch AI Vision Add Stream
  4. Add Models to your streamAI Vision Studio Add Model
  5. You can access your Chooch Inference Engine interface on your device from http://localhost:3000/.
  6. Copy and paste the Device ID of the device you want to connect. The Device list can be found under the Devices tab of your dashboard.Chooch Inference Setup Guide
  7. Set a password to access the dashboard.Chooch Inference Engine Login
  8. You can access your Chooch Inference Engine interface on the device after installation, from http://localhost:3000/.

    Inference Engine Setup Guide
  9. Once you have finalized changes to your stream from dashboard, click on Cloud Sync from the Inference Engine dashboard to sync the changes.
    • Note: If Cloud Sync doesn’t appear to finish, try refreshing the page.
  10. Verify camera feed is showing and sending prediction data by clicking on Streams tab.
    Inference Engine Predictions
  11. Now you can start using the system!
Some useful commands start, stop and restart the service on device.

Start the Chooch Inference Engine

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docker-compose start

Stop the Chooch Inference Engine

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docker-compose stop

Restart the Chooch Inference Engine

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docker-compose restart


You must have a Chooch Enterprise Account to install the Inference Engine. If you do not have one, please contact [email protected] to request one.